” We believe that everyone deserves the best possible care in their own home “
At Royale HomeCare Ltd, we offer personal care to the elderly and people with mental disabilities throughout Cambridge, Newmarket and the surrounding areas.

We are dedicated to achieving a working environment that encourages equal opportunity that is free from
discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, and disability.
We believe everyone deserves the best possible care in their own home and we provide a wide range of services designed to suit individual care needs.
At Royale Homecare, we are committed to providing quality, tailored person-centred care for service users
around Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and surrounding area
Our Homecare is founded on the belief that everyone’s personal care requirements should meet their individual preferences and needs in their own homes.

We also understand that choosing the care that you require may not be easy. Below are some examples of the types of care we provide:
Personal care
Our qualified and respectful Care Workers can help with personal care such as washing, dressing, bathing and other personal care needs.
We appreciate the importance of respecting your dignity at all times. Our Care Workers will help you to retain as much independence as possible.
They know that each and every service user is an individual, with unique personal needs, preferences and values.
Our support arrangements will be personalised to your own requirements. This can involve your family
members if you wish. Rest assured, we will only provide the services that you have specifically asked for in
your care and support plan.
Meal preparation
We can help with meal preparation – your preferred food cooked in your own home.
Our Care Workers understand the importance of a good diet. We will always ensure that our service users are well assisted from preparation to their table for meals that they not only enjoy, but that also help them to remain as healthy as possible.
Medication Assistance
We can relieve the stress by supporting you to manage your medication.
Many people of all ages find it difficult to manage medication. Taking a variety of different pills in differing amounts at specific times can be very challenging to cope with.
Medication assistance can be given in many ways to ensure that you are taking the right medicine at the right time.
We can prompt you, assist you with this or give full support by administration. That way we will be
ensuring that your health needs are met.
Overnight Care Assistance
You may find your needs of night-time care assistance if you or someone close to you feels uncomfortable being left alone. One-to-one nightly care from one of our fully trained Care Workers means someone is there to assist you with toilet breaks, administering medication or moving position in bed.
Everybody is different and each situation is unique, which is why our overnight Care Workers' duties and
responsibilities are tailored to your needs. With a dedicated night-time Care Worker, help is available at
any time. It means you or your loved one can stay in your own home – the place that is most comfortable.
Palliative Care
Our Palliative care is a care and support for people with a life-limiting illness, and aim to support and minimise the pressure to their family and friends. It’s sometimes called ‘supportive care’.
We understand how distressing it can be to see how a terminal illness is affecting you or your loved one. That’s where we can help, by providing specialist support with your day-to-day needs and assistance so your
family can make the most of your time together. We are here to help you to have a good quality of life – this includes being as well and active as possible till the time you have left.
Our Palliative care at home allows you to stay in the place you feel most comfortable, surrounded by memories and the people you love. With the one-to-one support of our compassionate Care Worker, who is
experienced in palliative care, you can have specialist support whenever it is needed.
Respite Care
Caring for another person can be physically and mentally demanding, and much more than purely handling the day-to-day tasks. Especially when caring for long periods at a time, the emotional strain can take its toll.
Our Respite care is planned or emergency temporary care to provide you, your loved one and/or your main care worker with a break while still ensuring that you or your loved ones'care needs are met. These can be provided to adults with an intellectual disability, and/or adults with cognitive loss in order to support and maintain the primary care giving relationship. It can also be offered for elderly people or those that need extra support following an operation or illness.
Check calls
We can organise drop-in visits to see if you need anything.
Telephone check calls
We can make daily (or more frequent) telephone check calls to remind you to take your medication and check that all is well.
Social care
We can undertake a range of social care activities. Our Care Workers can assist you going to the church, to your GP or the shops – or can even go shopping for you.
Domestic work
We can lend a hand with light domestic duties. We can assist with housework and general day-to-day
responsibilities (including your laundry), amongst many other things.